- AC2Assured Command and Control
- AORArea of responsibility
- ASNAssistant Secretary of the Navy
- AT&LAcquisition technology and logistics
- AV-#All Views - DoDAF
- Big Nose FaceSatire: Used as an example of an electrical symbol invented by a designer.
- BPMNBusiness Process Modeling Notation
- BSABattle Space Awareness
- C4I (PEO)Command, Control, Communications, Computing and Intelligence
- CABoKThe Capability Assurance Body of Knowledge
- CANESConsolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services
- Capability
- CHENGChief Engineer
- CIOChief Information Officer
- CMCCommandant of the Marine Corps
- CNAFCommander Naval Air Forces
- CNOChief of Naval Operations
- COCOMCombatant Commander, Unified Combatant Commander
- COICommunity of interest
- COMOPTEVFORCommander Operational Test and Evaluation Forces
- CONOPSConcept of Operations
- Cyber Key TerrainThe portion of the information technology assets required by the command to execute a mission......
- D-CNODeputy Chief of Naval Operations
- DAGDefense Acquisition Guide
- DASDefense Acquisition System
- DASNDeputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy
- Digital EngineeringModel Based Engineering where all information is collected and stored digitally within a data set
- DIVData and Information View
- DODDepartment of Defense (U.S.)
- DoDAFDepartment of Defense Architecture Framework
- DONDepartment of the Navy
- DOTMLPFDoctrine, Organization, Training, Material, Leadership, Policy and Facilities
- EIS (PEO)Enterprise Information Systems
- EITEnterprise information technology
- EntityAny signal object within a model such as icons, lines, conduits
- ExARMExecutable Architectures and Requirements Model
- I&IIntegration and Interoperability
- IAInformation assurance
- ICFIntegrated Capability Framework
- IDInformation Dominance
- IDEAInformation Dominance Enterprise Architecture
- IDEFOIDEFØ is a process diagramming method designed to model the decisions, actions, and activities of an organization or system
- IFIntegrated Fires
- INCOSEInternational Council on Systems Engineering
- IPO Modelsinput-process-output (IPO) chart / model / diagram
- ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
- ITInformation Technology
- IWInformation Warfare
- IWS (PEO)Integrated Warfare Systems
- JCIDSJoint Capability Development System
- JIEJoint Information Environment
- LMLLife cycle Modeling Language
- MARCORUnited Stated Marine Corps
- MBSEModel-based Systems Engineering
- Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)MBSE: Model Based Systems Engineering
- NAENaval Acquisition Executive
- NAVAIRNaval Air Systems Command
- NAVSEANaval Sea Systems Command
- NGENNext Generation Network
- NMCINavy Marine Corps Internet
- NWSCPNaval Warfare Systems Certification Policy
- OOObject Oriented
- OOMObject Oriented Modeling
- OpConOperational Control
- OV-#Operational View (DoDAF)
- PAOPublic Affairs Officer
- PEOProgram Executive Officer
- PMOProgram Management Office
- RDAResearch Development and Acquisition
- Results
- RKCReadiness Kill Chain
- SESystems Engineering, Systems Engineering
- SECDEFSecretary of Defense
- SECNAVSecretary of the Navy
- SOISystem of Interest
- SoS
- SoSESystem of Systems Engineering
- SoSEISystem of Systems Engineering and Integration
- SPAWARSpace and Naval Warfare Systems Command
- Stakeholderan individual, group, or organization, who may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project
- STRATCOMU.S. Strategic Command
- SYSCOMSystems Command
- SYSMLSystems Modeling Language
- Systemcombination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes
- System of SystemsSystem-of-interest (SOI) whose elements are themselves systems
- Systems Engineeringan interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems
- TATechnical Authority
- TFCATask Force Cyber Awakening
- TYCOMType Commander
- U.S.C.United Stated Code
- UMLUnified Modeling Language
- UnicornSatire: Used as an example of an electrical symbol invented by a designer. See Blog Post
- USDUnder Secretary of Defense
- VCNOVice Chief of Naval Operations
- WBSWork Break Down Structure