CABoK Glossary

AJAX progress indicator
  • AC2
    Assured Command and Control
  • AOR
    Area of responsibility
  • ASN
    Assistant Secretary of the Navy
  • AT&L
    Acquisition technology and logistics
  • AV-#
    All Views - DoDAF
  • Big Nose Face
    Satire: Used as an example of an electrical symbol invented by a designer.
  • BPMN
    Business Process Modeling Notation
  • BSA
    Battle Space Awareness
  • C4I (PEO)
    Command, Control, Communications, Computing and Intelligence
  • CABoK
    The Capability Assurance Body of Knowledge
    Consolidated Afloat Networks and Enterprise Services
  • Capability
    Chief Engineer
  • CIO
    Chief Information Officer
  • CMC
    Commandant of the Marine Corps
  • CNAF
    Commander Naval Air Forces
  • CNO
    Chief of Naval Operations
    Combatant Commander, Unified Combatant Commander
  • COI
    Community of interest
    Commander Operational Test and Evaluation Forces
    Concept of Operations
  • Cyber Key Terrain
    The portion of the information technology assets required by the command to execute a mission......
  • D-CNO
    Deputy Chief of Naval Operations
  • DAG
    Defense Acquisition Guide
  • DAS
    Defense Acquisition System
  • DASN
    Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy
  • Digital Engineering
    Model Based Engineering where all information is collected and stored digitally within a data set
  • DIV
    Data and Information View
  • DOD
    Department of Defense (U.S.)
  • DoDAF
    Department of Defense Architecture Framework
  • DON
    Department of the Navy
    Doctrine, Organization, Training, Material, Leadership, Policy and Facilities
  • EIS (PEO)
    Enterprise Information Systems
  • EIT
    Enterprise information technology
  • Entity
    Any signal object within a model such as icons, lines, conduits
  • ExARM
    Executable Architectures and Requirements Model
  • I&I
    Integration and Interoperability
  • IA
    Information assurance
  • ICF
    Integrated Capability Framework
  • ID
    Information Dominance
  • IDEA
    Information Dominance Enterprise Architecture
    IDEFØ is a process diagramming method designed to model the decisions, actions, and activities of an organization or system
  • IF
    Integrated Fires
    International Council on Systems Engineering
  • IPO Models
    input-process-output (IPO) chart / model / diagram
  • ISO
    International Organization for Standardization
  • IT
    Information Technology
  • IW
    Information Warfare
  • IWS (PEO)
    Integrated Warfare Systems
    Joint Capability Development System
  • JIE
    Joint Information Environment
  • LML
    Life cycle Modeling Language
    United Stated Marine Corps
  • MBSE
    Model-based Systems Engineering
  • Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
    MBSE: Model Based Systems Engineering
  • NAE
    Naval Acquisition Executive
    Naval Air Systems Command
    Naval Sea Systems Command
  • NGEN
    Next Generation Network
  • NMCI
    Navy Marine Corps Internet
    Naval Warfare Systems Certification Policy
  • OO
    Object Oriented
  • OOM
    Object Oriented Modeling
  • OpCon
    Operational Control
  • OV-#
    Operational View (DoDAF)
  • PAO
    Public Affairs Officer
  • PEO
    Program Executive Officer
  • PMO
    Program Management Office
  • RDA
    Research Development and Acquisition
  • Results
  • RKC
    Readiness Kill Chain
  • SE
    Systems Engineering, Systems Engineering
    Secretary of Defense
    Secretary of the Navy
  • SOI
    System of Interest
  • SoS
  • SoSE
    System of Systems Engineering
  • SoSEI
    System of Systems Engineering and Integration
    Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
  • Stakeholder
    an individual, group, or organization, who may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project
    U.S. Strategic Command
    Systems Command
    Systems Modeling Language
  • System
    combination of interacting elements organized to achieve one or more stated purposes
  • System of Systems
    System-of-interest (SOI) whose elements are themselves systems
  • Systems Engineering
    an interdisciplinary approach and means to enable the realization of successful systems
  • TA
    Technical Authority
  • TFCA
    Task Force Cyber Awakening
    Type Commander
  • U.S.C.
    United Stated Code
  • UML
    Unified Modeling Language
  • Unicorn
    Satire: Used as an example of an electrical symbol invented by a designer. See Blog Post
  • USD
    Under Secretary of Defense
  • VCNO
    Vice Chief of Naval Operations
  • WBS
    Work Break Down Structure
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