Capability Assurance Body of Knowledge (CABoK)

Capability Assurance Body of Knowledge (CABoK) is chartered and managed under the stewardship of the Capability Assurance Institute. The contents of CABoK is the result of collaboration among subject matter experts (CAFellows) in systems engineering, enterprise architectures, project management, program management, business, and organizational leadership.

The delivery and sustainment of Enterprise Capabilities requires the application of multiple technical, leadership and organizational disciplines. Capability Assurance involves the balance between the Art of Business and Organizational Leadership competencies and the Science of Engineering and Technical Leadership competencies.  There currently exists a great deal of information on these competencies individually from organizations like PMI and INCOSE.  The Capability Assurance Body of Knowledge (CABoK) coalesces this information into a single reference. CABoK provides elaboration upon the processes and methods described in these sources to add clarity and context by providing:

  • introduction to the predominant professional organizations involved in end to end Capability Assurance
  • directory of the knowledge bases and publications of these organizations,
  • review of the structure, content, and intent of these publications,
  • connections between theses individual authorities and their practices, and
  • increased fidelity on the application, best practices and lessons learned from our CAI Fellows.
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